Understanding why we should fast and how to do it.
Understanding Juice Fasts
Let’s get rid of daunting feelings and mixed emotions one might have when considering a fast shall we?
Juice cleanses are not a silver bullet to any ailments, but just like any supplements to a good diet, it is meant to support, not substitute. A truly balanced, colorful diet free of processed foods, pesticides, and toxins is truly the ticket to feeling better. When you consider consuming REAL food and taking action steps towards making it a priority, much can change, and by much, we mean, everything.
Below, we break down WHY fasting from solid foods will reset and introduce a new depth to how you once understood the amazing body and its ability to heal when we pay close attention to what we put in it.
Let’s get clear.
There’s a lot of information out there about how “fast” (or do a cleanse), so we want to give you a few clarifying thoughts about the process, what it is and what it isn’t. We can all agree that our bodies are all different, known as “bio-individuality”, in short, we're all unique in our biological makeup and requirements. We all have our own nutritional and health needs, routines, sensitivities, practices, preferences, and of course, we’re all at different places when it comes to our season of life.
Our busy schedules and environment can make it very difficult to maintain a healthy balance when it comes to managing our energy throughout the day, at work, and at home. Did you know that around 70% of your energy is spent on digesting your food every day?
What happens to our body when we fast?
When consuming, organic, cold-pressed juice from whole fruits and veggies rather than eating them, you give your digestive system a much-needed break. The valuable micronutrients in a well-crafted juice, are able to flood the body and get valuable nutrition absorbed at a much higher level as the stomach is not busy working hard (digesting, breaking down foods, etc…)
The mighty green Juice
“When soluble fiber is removed, your body is ready to absorb the valuable nutrients quickly, without the gut having to do much work, your cells are rejuvenated, your body receives an incredible boost in vitamins and minerals you may have been lacking — namely our leafy greens!”
This break from solid foods gives our body the opportunity to heal itself and flush out toxins and other unwanted waste lingering around. Yes! Our body has the power to heal itself! Our gut specifically is a wondrous machine but if we are constantly taxing our body by feeding it processed foods because we’ve chosen convenience and speed, we are limiting its incredible potential to perform, our bodies are incredibly resilient and complex, always working, even when we’re asleep. When you decide to pause, apply a bit of focus, intentionality, time, and patience and allow your body to break from doing what it’s been doing for months, even years on end, something incredible can start to happen… The reset button is pushed, and when flooded with good nutrition, quickly, our good cells arm back up, they get healthy again and begin to outnumber the bad ones, holding back potential sickness and disease that might otherwise take over.
Not all fasts are created equal.
You may have done a fast in the past with juices delivered at your door, the kind that has that 30-45 day shelf life unopened, and 7 once open. Or maybe you gave the ole “all-celery-juice-fat-busting” cleanse a try and after day 3 you were ready to ban celery from your grocery list forever. Neither one of those are “bad”, but they are missing critical components, they have not served you fully. If you want the most out of a fast, it needs to be done with purpose and specifics. Ideally, you want to fast with raw, organic, clean ingredients (organic fruit & veg) that have been juiced and left unpasteurized (not heated or treated, you want as many of the valuable live enzymes and micronutrients to be left alive!) You’ll also need a game plan and commitment with yourself to see it through. Having friends and family know you’re on attempting a fast is always good for support and accountability.
Though please hear us clearly, the goal shouldn’t be to lose X-amount of weight, although more often than not it’s a bonus and welcomed by-product of fasting. We’re not going for surface-level changes you can see, but rather something you can FEEL.
Nutritionally Dense, Organic Fruits & Veg
“The goal shouldn’t be to lose X-amount of weight, although more often than not it’s a bonus and welcomed by-product of fasting. We’re not going for surface-level changes you can see, but rather something you can FEEL.”
Why 100% organic, cold-press juices outperform other options.
For one, fasts conducted with such juices are much more nutritionally dense, they have live enzymes and micronutrients in them ready to bring your cells back to action. When you consume juice made from “less handled”, pesticide and chemical-free, organic, produce, you’re already ahead of the curve, you’re not contributing to adding toxins in your body that may come from consuming conventionally-grown foods. When soluble fiber is removed, your body is ready to absorb nutrients quickly, without the gut having to do much work, your cells are rejuvenated, your body receives an incredible boost in vitamins and minerals you may have been lacking — namely our leafy greens! “Hey! But don’t you need fiber and protein?” Of course, you do, but during a fast/cleanse, there’s enough in the juice to serve its purpose. Fiber and protein are actually present in juice, but as you fast, that’s not what you’re after in the immediate moment. Many start to worry about being deficient in such and such when they decide to do a fast, isn’t that silly?
Digging deeper.
Many can’t help but draw from the spiritual aspect that occurs during a fast, regardless of religion or beliefs. This phenomenon comes from the time of focus or re-directed energy that allows your mind to sharpen in result to what’s happening to your body, mood, mind, and emotions when healing occurs. It’s often a time of clarity and deeper reflection, it’s a slower pace, it’s the needed rest you may have been looking for.
Team Antioxidants — Some of the prime suspects known to bring life back to our bodies… Consume them whole, consume them juiced… Just consume them daily!
7 benefits of a juice fast*:
A purposeful juice fast/cleanse can help transform your life in many different ways. Here are just 7 of those from many more.
1. Give your digestive system a much-needed rest
2. Rid your body of toxins
3. Reduce chronic inflammation
4. Reseting your palate will lead to more thoughtful eating habits and smarter cravings
5. Rehydrating will improve energy, mood, and skin tone
6. Help with autoimmune diseases
7. Help determine food sensitivities
*We have to note: you should seek out the opinion of your trusted medical professional, ideally a naturopath, to get guidance if you have reservations about starting a fast!
“Living on only juice and water for days, won’t I start to shrivel up, and pass out?!”
Actually, Over-dramatic Orange Guy the opposite happens.
HOW TO FAST: What fasting looks like
Regardless of how many days you choose to fast, 3, 5, 7 or, more… The method remains the same. Here are 5 focus areas to explore on your fasting journey. NOTE: If you jump right into the cleanse from the standard American diet (Also known as SAD) you could feel pretty crummy from the detox side effects and resent the process… So pay attention to Step 1.
1) PRE-GAME: These are CRUCIAL to a successful cleanse, ideally done 3-5 days leading into the fasting period. Drink lots of water to help toxins flush out days prior. Transition from eating processed foods (if you are) and start to incorporate whole fruits and veg into your daily diet, ideally 75% of what you eat should be fresh, ideally raw, whole foods. Eat smaller portions in the days leading to the cleanse, eating slower helps. Find a non-strenuous, regular exercise, walks will do.
2) MINDSET: Know that what you’re doing is NOT depriving yourself of food, but instead, you are FREEING your body to heal by giving it the much-needed break we discussed above. Look forward to end of day 2, Day 3, and onwards. You will feel your energy skyrocket, you will gain focus like you haven’t had in a very long time, and your body will start to function with less toxicity! Congratulations!
3) RUNNING THE PLAY: Wake up, rehydrate with water, workout… stick to your morning routine (just don’t eat). If you are a coffee drinker, consider tea instead, you may go through withdrawals depending on how much you are used to drinking coffee... If you get headaches, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Midmorning, have your first juice, something you would like for breakfast, many go for the Classic Carrot-Apple in the morning or any of our seasonals. For lunch, the Fresh Greens is a good choice, mid/late-afternoon pick-up is always good to enjoy the Sweet Beets, you should have one leftover for dinner, which maybe you save to enjoy after a cup of warm broth.
4) DON’T FALL FOR THE LIE “I’m STARVING!” No. You’re not. It’s physically impossible for you to start seeing your ribs when you’re looking in the mirror within the first 48 hours of a fast (for the life of your fast for that matter…) Therefore… be reassured, you’re NOT “starving”. Depending on what type of diet you’ve just walked out of, people experience the roughest patch during Day 2. Hunger pangs will go away, don’t give in! You can do it! If you get headaches and need some pep, consider drinking more water, go for a walk outside, get some sunlight, and maybe walk barefoot in your backyard for 20 mins (this is called “grounding”, keep your phone in the house…), and get around some loved ones who’d support you! Those simple things will improve your mood almost instantly.
5) ANTICIPATE YOUR NEW FOUND ENERGY THROUGH RESET This part is the best and looking forward to it is part of what will keep you going strong! You feel full of energy, your eyesight feels a few degrees sharper, your ability to focus is unlike anything you remember as of recently. Your body is going through some amazing stuff, your cells are rejuvenated, and you feel like you could keep this up for a few more days! (Let us know if that’s the case, we’ll have that extra juice waiting for you!) Your tastebuds by day 3, 4 and or 5 will have significantly changed, you should no longer crave sweets, but you might miss the sensation of chewing… This is when you should start to decide and get a game plan together for what you would like to EAT more of when you get off the fast… More greens? Steamed veg? Less bread or fried foods? Your body just had a reset. Seize the moment and get a plan together!
We have various fast plans to choose from, feel free to explore what would be best for you whether it’s a 3-day, 5-day or more!
If you have a need requiring our fast packages to be altered, just contact us!
3-Day Juice Fast | $126.75 | 12 juices, 3 wellness shots.
This is a good entry fast, or a practical fast if you choose to do them to reset a few times a year. It comes with (12) 12 oz assorted juices and 3 wellness shots and the Guide to a Successful Fast booklet. We recommend adding a good organic, decaffeinated green tea of your choice to kick start the morning, and if needed, provide your own broth for those savory cravings or you can opt-in for the “plus” version of this fast below. Like during all fasting periods, we recommend that you also drink plenty of water, ideally water with a higher pH of 8.0+. We recommend distilled water or water from a reputable spring source that contains valuable minerals to help the body be at its peak performance.
3-Day Juice Fast + | $149.75 | 12 juices, 4 wellness shots + 1 Bone Broth
This is the heftier entry fast, as it comes with (1) 32 oz Bone Broth from Arizona Grass Raised. It comes with (12) 12 oz assorted juices, 4 wellness shots, and the Guide to a Successful Fast booklet. We recommend adding a good organic, decaffeinated green tea of your choice to kick-start the morning. Like during all fasting periods, we recommend that you also drink plenty of water, ideally water with a higher pH of 8.0+. We recommend distilled water or water from a reputable spring source that contains valuable minerals to help the body be at its peak performance.
5-Day Juice Fast | $209.75 | 20 juices, 5 wellness shots
This 5-day fast is for those who’d like to take the challenge to completely reset their digestive system by only consuming juice for 5 days. Many who do the 5-day fast actually keep going for a few more days because of how great they feel, sometimes extending to day 7 or even 10! It comes with (20) 12 oz assorted juices, 5 wellness shots, and the Guide to a Successful Fast booklet. We recommend adding a good organic, decaffeinated green tea of your choice to kick start the morning, and if needed, provide your own broth for those savory cravings or you can opt-in for the “plus” version of this fast below. Like during all fasting periods, we recommend that you also drink plenty of water, ideally water with a higher pH of 8.0+. We recommend distilled water or water from a reputable spring source that contains valuable minerals to help the body be at its peak performance.
5-Day Juice Fast + | $251.75 | 20 juices, 6 wellness shots, 2 Bone Broths
This is the amped-up 5-day fast is for those who’d like to take the challenge to completely reset their digestive system by only consuming juice for 5 days. Many who do the 5-day fast actually keep going for a few more days because of how great they feel, sometimes extending to day 7 or even 10! It comes with (20) 12 oz assorted juices and 6 wellness shots and (2) 32 oz Bone Broths from Arizona Grass Raised. We recommend adding a good organic, un-caffeinated green tea of your choice to kick start the morning. Like during all fasting periods, we recommend that you also drink plenty of water, ideally water with a higher pH of 8.0+. We recommend distilled water or water from a reputable spring source that contains valuable minerals to help the body be at its peak performance. PURCHASE